Many popular and classic cartoon shows have inspired the creation of countless memes throughout the years, andSpongeBob SquarePants is no exception. In fact,SpongeBob might be responsible for more hilarious and bizarre memes than any other show like it. With the series now having been on the air for more than two decades, anyone who wants to create a clever internet joke based on the show has plenty of source material to work with.

This is why it can be somewhat difficult to keep track of which episodes these memes originated from. Fans of the show might recognize the scene used in a meme, but they might need a little help remembering exactly which episode it is from.

10 "Little Yellow Book" (Mocking Spongebob)

Screenshot from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

In "Little Yellow Book," SpongeBob finds himself in the unfortunate and embarrassing situation of misplacing his work journal and having it found by Squidward. Squidward naturally decides to read SpongeBob's private journal, and the secrets he shares with everyone humiliate the poor sponge.

The Mocking SpongeBob meme comes from one part of the episode when Squidward reveals that SpongeBob has an uncontrollable urge to cluck like a chicken anytime he sees plaid. Unfortunately for SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs just happens to be wearing a kilt that day, for no other reason than him being a plaid enthusiast. As expected, the sight of Mr. Krabs in the plaid cloth causes SpongeBob to cluck uncontrollably.

9 "SB-129" (Caveman SpongeBob)

Screenshot from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

One of the most bizarre episodes from the show's first season, "SB-129" tells the tale about Squidward being lost in time when an unfortunate accident causes him to be frozen. Two thousand years later, he is freed from his icy prison by one of SpongeBob's descendants.

The origin of the Caveman Spongebob meme can be seen in the latter half of the episode when Squidward tries to use a time machine to return to the past. He goes too far back, however, and meets SpongeBob's primitive ancestor in a prehistoric Bikini Bottom.

8 "Nature Pants" (Tired SpongeBob)

Screenshot from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

Thanks to a vivid daydream while working a shift at the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob develops a fascination with abandoning his suburban life to live wild and free among the jellyfish. Reality doesn't match expectations, however, as SpongeBob soon finds out that life in Jellyfish Fields is much more hazardous than he first imagined.

In the second half of the episode, Patrick, who is upset with SpongeBob's decision to leave him behind, attempts to chase and capture SpongeBob. The inspiration for the Tired Spongebob meme can be seen at a moment when SpongeBob believes that he's lost Patrick and stops to catch his breath under a rock formation.

7 "Patty Hype" (Dizzy Mr. Krabs)

Screenshot from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

When the Krusty Krab hits an all-time low for customers, Mr. Krabs becomes desperate to find a way to draw the crowd back in. SpongeBob suggests the use of Pretty Patties, color-coded Krabby Patties. But when Mr. Krabs laughs at the idea, SpongeBob sets out to prove him wrong about the Pretty Patties by opening his own food stall to sell them.

The origin of Dizzy Mr. Krabs comes near the end of the episode. The Pretty Patties end up being a huge hit, so Mr. Krabs cons SpongeBob out of ownership and then tries to rake in all of the profits for himself. Things go well for the first day, but when a crowd of angry customers swarms the stall the next day, Mr. Krabs, bewildered by the complaints, realizes that he's made a mistake.

6 "Home Sweet Pineapple" (Sleeping Squidward)

Screenshot from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

While SpongeBob is asleep, a group of voracious nematodes surround his pineapple home and start drinking from it, eventually sucking it down till there's nothing left. With his home gone, Spongebob begins to look for housing options to avoid needing to move back home with this parents.

After SpongeBob tries and fails to be roommates with Patrick, he decides to spend the night at Squidward's place. The issue is that he doesn't tell Squidward and simply invites himself in. Squidward, half-asleep and unaware of what SpongeBob is doing, goes along with it at first, but he eventually wakes up and realizes what is happening.

5 "Nature Pants" (Evil Patrick)

Screenshot from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

While SpongeBob is having trouble adapting to his new life in the wild, Patrick is having trouble of his own accepting that SpongeBob has left. Not wanting his best friend to abandon him, Patrick loses his senses and decides that the best option is to capture SpongeBob and keep him in a jar as if he was a real jellyfish.

The meme-worthy moment comes near the end of Patrick's pursuit of SpongeBob. While SpongeBob is resting, and also inspiring the Tired SpongeBob meme, Patrick tries to launch a sneak attack on home by latching onto the underside of the rock and then dropping down from it.

4 "The Two Faces of Squidward" (Handsome Squidward)

Screenshot from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

"The Two Faces of Squidward" is an episode with a very unexpected twist. When SpongeBob accidentally injures Squidward by slamming a door in his face, the result is that Squidward's face becomes unexpectedly handsome. His new looks garner a lot of admiration from everyone, and Squidward enjoys it at first, but he eventually realizes that it costing him too much of the privacy and peace he treasures.

Once the attention becomes too much for Squidward, he becomes desperate to return to his old self. He forces SpongeBob to slam a door in his face again. His hope is that it will reverse the effect, but it only makes him more handsome. This is the point in the episode where the Handsome Squidward meme is found.

3 "Bubblestand"/"Patty Hype" (SpongeBob's Hype Stand)

Screenshots from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

An uncommon case for aSpongeBob meme, SpongeBob's Hype Stand uses scenes from two different episodes. The parts of the meme that use close-ups of SpongeBob are from "Bubblestand," which is about SpongeBob opening a stand where people can pay to blow bubbles. When Patrick tries to blow a bubble and fails repeatedly, SpongeBob puts up a sign to advertise lessons.

The other parts of the meme come from "Patty Hype." After the Pretty Patties become a success, people start lining up around SpongeBob's stall to get some. At first, there are only a few dozen, but in no time at all, SpongeBob is surrounded by thousands of hungry customers.

2 "The Smoking Peanut" (I'ma Head Out)

Screenshot from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

In "The Smoking Peanut," SpongeBob and Patrick visit the zoo to see all of the fascinating animals on exhibit. One of the creatures, the giant oyster, is of particular interest to both of them. But when they find the oyster asleep, SpongeBob decides to throw a peanut at it to wake it up and encourage it to do something entertaining. The peanut appears to have a reverse effect, however, as the oyster immediately erupts into an endless stream of crying and wailing.

The origin of the meme can be seen very briefly after SpongeBob returns home from his disastrous trip to the zoo. He tries to sit down in his chair to watch some TV and forget how bad he feels for throwing the peanut, but his guilt is only made worse when he turns on the news to see a report about the incident. The meme comes from the frame when SpongeBob begins to sit down.

1 "Arrgh!" (Rev Up Those Fryers)

Screenshot from SpongeBob Squarepants episode

One night as Mr. Krabs and crew are getting ready to close the Krusty Krab at the end of a slow and customerless night, SpongeBob starts playing The Flying Dutchman's Treasure Hunt board game with Patrick. The two convince Mr. Krabs to play along, and the greedy crustacean quickly becomes hooked on the game, wanting to play it endlessly.

As they begin their next round, a customer walks in, hungry for some Krabby Patties. It is from these few frames that the Rev Up Those Fryers meme comes and is also named after, as that is what the customer says as he enters. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Krabs is not interested in doing anything except playing the game, and tosses the fish out of the restaurant.

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